The US has the most prisoners of any country in the world; one in every 32 adults in this country is in jail. There are lots of people who get paid to analyze this. It seems to me that we do have an awful lot of laws, and that people often are unaware, or just choose to believe that the inconvenient ones don’t apply to them. As an example, I’ve observed that if you drive a black Mercedes, stop signs do not apply to you. My own pet peeve is the leash law; when walking my dog, I frequently encounter people with unleashed pets. When I confront them, I get replies like “Today is Sunday” or “We’re on the sidewalk” or, my personal favorite, “My dog is voice command.” Since I’m pretty sure the microchip technology currently in use by some pet owners is only for identification, I can’t help but wonder how else you could control a dog. No one really knows for sure how many laws the US actually has, but I tend to think that 10 would have been enough.
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