College Students as an Investment
People have been talking about a college diploma as a valuable investment for far too long now; it’s time to put up or shut up. Higher education as it is practiced today is arguably the most highly subsidized business there is; not including tax breaks or funds earmarked for research, the number is […]

Drunk Spray
True entrepreneurs are always on the lookout for ubiquitous problems that can be solved for a profit. Case in point: Lots of folks like to get drunk now and then, but doing so can be an awkward process. Alcohol is cumbersome to cart around, fills you up with a lot of calories, and in some […]
The Flash Startup
The Internet is an incredible wealth of information; somewhere out there is an answer to every question. Often when I use it, I find myself riddled with guilt. I know in my heart that it’s better to give than to receive, and with the Internet I’m a habitual receiver. Whenever I try to […]
Raising an Entrepreneur
Nature vs. nurture – it’s part of the conversation whether the topic is alcoholism, serial killers or entrepreneurs. For the latter, the cop-out answer – “it’s a little bit of both” – is quite probably the correct one. You can be off-the-charts smart and brimming with fresh ideas, but you’ll get nowhere if you […]