Review: Startup Myths and Models by Rizwan Virk
Type “Startup” into Amazon book search and you’ll get over 20,000 hits. In this crowded field, the path to producing a work of value is an epic journey. In Startup Myths and Models by Rizwan Virk, the author uses elements of legendary journeys to breathe life into his personal stories of building a business from […]

Review: Target Funding by Kedma Ough
The cover image of Target Funding by Kedma Ough – an arrow hitting a conventional target – makes sense but doesn’t do justice to the vast array of funding sources that she is about to reveal; perhaps a needle in a haystack would be more accurate. Although there are multitudes of funding opportunities out there, […]

Methane Monitor (aka Fart Tracker)
The Apple Watch is lots of things to lots of people – chic, attention-grabbing, fun – but at its core, it is basically a sophisticated computer worn on the wrist. Like any computer, it is only as good as the software that it runs. Apple is well aware of this, and has promoted apps which […]

Innovative Intersections
It is often said that innovation occurs at the intersection of seemingly unrelated ideas. As an example, consider urine and origami. A recent paper in the Journal of Materials Chemistry A titled “Urine-Activated Origami Microbial Fuel Cells to Signal Proof of Life” by researchers at UWE Bristol has the details. The problem statement would seem […]

Marvel Comics currently has 10 characters with names beginning in “Z”, but Zipperbot is not one of them. The ability to automatically unzip might pass for a super-power in some settings but that was not what the team at MIT had in mind. In a world where robots can put out fires, respond to disasters, […]

What People Think of You
“People who say they don’t care what people think are usually desperate to have people think they don’t care what people think.” – George Carlin In the business world, just like in the real world, people are your number one resource. Changing “Personnel Department” to “Human Resources” wasn’t just a cheap re-branding ploy; it really […]

Just Build Something
The mention of Thomas Edison may provoke thoughts of creative energy and invention, but his real contribution to America’s emergence as a world superpower stems from manufacturing. In 1892, he founded General Electric, which today is the last of the original industrial firms to remain listed on the Dow Jones Index. During its storied history, […]

Selfie Tech
Although “selfies” started generating buzz last year, the first recorded instance of a “selfie”, taken by Robert Cornelius, dates back to 1839. The daguerreotype photographic process of the day was so slow that Bob was able to open the lens, run into the shot for several minutes, and then head back to replace the lens […]

No More Footbag, Sawtooth or Bushwalk*
If you’ve ever raised a child, you know there are certain major milestones that you will need to achieve. These are things like sleeping through the night, walking, talking and (my personal favorite) potty training. There are untold additional developmental steps that will provide bragging rights with your friends, and keep your pediatrician from asking […]

How to Stimulate the Economy
Halloween will soon be upon us. It is called a “holiday”, although I don’t know of anyone who gets the day off – not even the Post Office. We will spend $11.3 Billion to celebrate, although we’re not exactly sure why. Around $350 Million of that will go for costumes for pets, who […]