Review: The Punk Rock of Business by Jeremy Dale
Initially I was put off by the title and cover of this book. The business book genre is quite saturated, and at first this seemed like a lame attempt at differentiation. As it turns out, the Punk Rock analogy is perfect, both for the generation that understands what Punk is all about, and for those […]

Startup Dreams
Book Review: Straight Talk for Startups by Randy Komisar and Jantoon Reigersman I confess that I play air guitar in the shower and I fantasize about hitting the winning basket at the buzzer. I suspect that I am not the only one who does this. For most of us, such dreams leading to wealth and […]

How Convenient
Things don’t always turn out as promised. If you’ve ever waited in a long line at a fast food restaurant or searched all over for a convenience store, you know what I mean. While it’s true that technology often woos us with bright shiny objects that make us feel special, it also portends to be […]

Stuff Happens When You Fool Mother Nature
Butter is milk fat that is rapidly converted by the body into people fat. Butter had been around for 4000 years with no real competition until 1869, when French chemist Hippolyte Mège-Mouriès horrified American dairy farmers with his patented, lower-priced spread known as margarine. Frantic political lobbying and prohibitive licensing fees ensued. Margarine was blamed […]

Methane Monitor (aka Fart Tracker)
The Apple Watch is lots of things to lots of people – chic, attention-grabbing, fun – but at its core, it is basically a sophisticated computer worn on the wrist. Like any computer, it is only as good as the software that it runs. Apple is well aware of this, and has promoted apps which […]

Innovative Intersections
It is often said that innovation occurs at the intersection of seemingly unrelated ideas. As an example, consider urine and origami. A recent paper in the Journal of Materials Chemistry A titled “Urine-Activated Origami Microbial Fuel Cells to Signal Proof of Life” by researchers at UWE Bristol has the details. The problem statement would seem […]

i Hedgehog
Hedgehogs are known for being cute, and for having sharp spines. While neither barbed nor poisonous, these spines are nonetheless their first line of defense. When threatened by a predator, the hedgehog will curl into a tight ball with all of its spines pointing outward. How little hedgehogs are made remains a mystery. Innovation often […]

Marvel Comics currently has 10 characters with names beginning in “Z”, but Zipperbot is not one of them. The ability to automatically unzip might pass for a super-power in some settings but that was not what the team at MIT had in mind. In a world where robots can put out fires, respond to disasters, […]

What People Think of You
“People who say they don’t care what people think are usually desperate to have people think they don’t care what people think.” – George Carlin In the business world, just like in the real world, people are your number one resource. Changing “Personnel Department” to “Human Resources” wasn’t just a cheap re-branding ploy; it really […]

Just Build Something
The mention of Thomas Edison may provoke thoughts of creative energy and invention, but his real contribution to America’s emergence as a world superpower stems from manufacturing. In 1892, he founded General Electric, which today is the last of the original industrial firms to remain listed on the Dow Jones Index. During its storied history, […]