The Yuck Factor
The Yuck Factor is best explained with an example. Suppose you pull off a panel to begin working on some network equipment, and you find a dead rodent. That would be a YF = 7. Other discoveries like multiple rodents – or their time of death – might raise the number. If on the other […]

What is the Chance?
We are gamblers, you and me. With our very first breath, we begin assessing our surroundings and playing the odds for survival and pleasure. We strive to amass data on what works to our benefit, and what doesn’t. Unexpected outcomes (aka “outliers”) might be pleasant surprises or not-so-pleasant disappointments – either way, most of us […]

Strategy in the Digital Age: Mastering Digital Transformation by Michael Lenox – A Review
Technological progress is rapid and accelerating. Biologist Paul Ehrlich reassures us that as long as the human brain is setting the pace, we needn’t fear – basic human intelligence has remained the same for thousands of years. On the other hand, Singularity Theory (e.g., I. J. Good 1965) warns that Artificial Intelligence could beget machines […]

The Entrepreneurs: The Relentless Quest for Value by Derek Lidow – A Review
Most of us think of an entrepreneur as someone who makes a lot of money for a lot of people very quickly.

Show the Value of What You Do by Patricia and Jack Phillips: A Review
Bragging at work, even the humble kind, is generally not looked upon favorably. In performance appraisals where I have been required to rate myself, I feel I am treading on dangerous ground – too high and I’ll appear arrogant, too low and my superiors will suspect I know something that they don’t. In Show the […]

The #Pace Process for Early Career Success by Mark Zides – A Review
The early phase of my own career transpired about 50 years ago, and while some of the basics of success remain the same, the emergence of things like search engines, social media, and the hybrid office have altered the landscape. The #PACE Process for Early Career Success by Mark Zides is up to date with […]

Build It and They Will Come
If you follow the sport of baseball then you’ve probably heard of Shoeless Joe Jackson. A century’s worth of World Series ago, Shoeless Joe played in his very last game. His White Sox ended their season on October 9, 1919, with a Game 8 loss (they played best of 9 in those days) to the […]

Review: Startup Myths and Models by Rizwan Virk
Type “Startup” into Amazon book search and you’ll get over 20,000 hits. In this crowded field, the path to producing a work of value is an epic journey. In Startup Myths and Models by Rizwan Virk, the author uses elements of legendary journeys to breathe life into his personal stories of building a business from […]

The Mother of Invention
I once sat on a plane at Phoenix airport waiting to return home at the end of a business trip. The pilot announced that our flight was delayed due to a problem with the flaps, a detail which qualified as TMI (i.e., “too much information”) judging from the anxiety it caused among the passengers. Those […]

Review: Target Funding by Kedma Ough
The cover image of Target Funding by Kedma Ough – an arrow hitting a conventional target – makes sense but doesn’t do justice to the vast array of funding sources that she is about to reveal; perhaps a needle in a haystack would be more accurate. Although there are multitudes of funding opportunities out there, […]