Linus Benedict Torvalds is special. If you’re not sure why, allow me to issue a prompt – Linux. Linus is the Finnish software engineer widely recognized for creating the open-source computer OS which led to the ubiquitous Linux kernel. For programmers collaboratively developing source code, he also invented Git, a version control system for tracking changes in any set of computer files. There are lots of ambitious folks who dream of becoming like Linus.
For those seeking to turn their dreams into reality, there is an overabundance of motivational media to get started with. A common theme is this – stop believing you are ordinary, work hard and stay focused, and you can be special too. Names like Elon Musk, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs flash before our eyes daily, furthering the vision that we can grind our way to specialty.
One motivational speaker I listened to recently began her talk by slinging some numbers. There are 7 billion humans currently on the planet she said, and 108 billion that have ever lived. Throwing in DNA base pairs, mutation frequency, and other assorted variants, she reported that there are 3 X 10614 possible humans, concluding that there is no one else exactly like you. While any number with 614 zeroes after it is special, (most calculators can’t even handle it) you are not. The numbers only prove that you are a unique, one-of-a-kind human – just like everyone else. <continue reading>