“People who say they don’t care what people think are usually desperate to have people think they don’t care what people think.” – George Carlin
In the business world, just like in the real world, people are your number one resource. Changing “Personnel Department” to “Human Resources” wasn’t just a cheap re-branding ploy; it really does start with humans, especially for managers.
Entrepreneurs, like it or not, are managers. When you first start a company, there is no infrastructure – no bricks-and-mortar, no HR department and often no money. There may be a chief technologist, or it could be you. At some point, the headcount goes from one to two and, like it or not, you are a manager.
If this is new territory, not to worry. There are plenty of management methods to choose from. Bestsellers include Management by Objective, Management by Walking Around, and Management by Exception. If none of these fit your style, there is always the ever-popular Management by Perkele.