During the last major election, there was a lot of talk about getting the economy kick-started. Words like “innovation”, “education” and “entrepreneur” were tossed about with reckless abandon. By a rather narrow margin of the popular vote, the American people felt that Barack Obama was the best equipped to turn things around. Another result of the election, missed by many, may have an even more profound impact on our future well-being. Entrepreneurs take note; two more states, Washington and Colorado, legalized marijuana. The business opportunities for weed-savvy investors are staggering. What’s more, when we’ve exhausted all that legal pot has to offer, there are other great drugs like Xanax (conquering anxiety), Versed (forgetting) and Fentanyl (getting really blasted) that could be released to the general public. If the economy doesn’t recover right away, who gives a s%#t?
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