The year 1984 came and went with very little fanfare, and only scant reference to George Orwell’s dystopian novel and its predictions of pervasive government surveillance. It certainly isn’t lack of technology that keeps us from realizing George’s vision of the future. Not only do we not trust each other, but we apparently don’t trust ourselves either. If you’ve ever sat and watched obese people walk away from the buffet table with a small plate of salad, you’ll appreciate this latest offering from the University of Pittsburgh. Their “eButton” attaches to a person’s clothing, and automatically records calories, exercise and even GPS coordinates. Some of my most cherished beliefs (e.g., calories consumed on vacation, while standing up, or off someone else’s plate don’t count) may be doomed to destruction. Entrepreneurs take note: the eButton is still in the development phase, but it is estimated that 60% of Americans are overweight, and weight reduction is a $3B industry.
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