Selfie Tech
Although “selfies” started generating buzz last year, the first recorded instance of a “selfie”, taken by Robert Cornelius, dates back to 1839. The daguerreotype photographic process of the day was so slow that Bob was able to open the lens, run into the shot for several minutes, and then head back to replace the lens […]

Steel Yourself for This
Since the beginning of the Iron Age around 1200 BC, this amazing metal has been the catalyst for the development of the modern world. Steel is the foremost metal of the day, produced at levels twenty times that of aluminum, copper, zinc, tin and lead combined. As the United States exited WWII in 1945, we […]

The Many Looks of Innovation
My first thought when I saw the “Drill Bike” was that this was something I probably would have tried when I was 14, and it would have gotten me in big trouble for burning out my Dad’s drill. Now, after 50 years of experience and formal engineering training, the thought of trying it at […]

Where Bugs Come From
Apple’s splashy launch of iOS 8 was quickly followed by an update; the version level now stands at 8.0.2 and counting. There is a list of reasons, but the short version reads “bug fixes.” In the world of computer programming, the term “bug” is a familiar, albeit unwelcome one. Human brains have “lapses”, machines have […]

Password Protected
When I was a graduate student at Caltech, my computer password was “password”. In those days, I had so many things to remember that something more complicated was simply out of the question. I rationalized that there were lots of very smart people running around who could easily hack my account if they wanted. […]
Smarter Than You
It is often said that if you are the smartest person in the room, you should find another room. But what if the room is smarter than all of you? <continue reading>

Technology for Meeting People
Entrepreneurs are always looking for something that could be improved. It’s their job. It’s what they do. Ever since Adam found Eve, people have been searching for that special someone to build a relationship. Online dating services have tried sorting through the compatibility factors up front, but there are still some folks who would rather […]
Microsoft Toilet
The buzz level has been high of late. As the rumored announcement for the iPhone 6 draws closer, it is easy to overlook just how good Apple is when it comes to building a climate of envy and desire. Other technology giants have tried, notably Microsoft. Remember the Kin? I didn’t think so (it was […]

No More Horns!
If you’ve had the opportunity to drive an automobile in different parts of the country, or the world, you are well aware of the many variations of driving culture that exist. When I returned to my native California after 10 years of living and driving in Colorado, I was uncomfortable with how closely everyone […]

Turing the Country
When you call an 800 number for technical support these days, there are basically two probable scenarios. In the first, you get a guy with a heavy Indian accent who introduces himself as George, is annoyingly polite, and leads you through a canned flowchart of question-answer decision points that even a machine could manage. The […]