Big Data Politics
If you are anything like me, you are getting pretty fed up with all the political messages that are clogging your email inbox. A lot of people would like to blame Obama for this, but then a lot of people would like to blame Obama for everything. The truth is, the Republicans were the first […]

Our Heart Isn’t In It
When I was in high school, the cool thing was to cruise Colorado Boulevard in Pasadena. Although cruising was technically illegal, there was a Bob’s Big Boy hamburger joint at each end of the route, so you could always safely tell a cop you were on your way to Bob’s. One of the first items […]
Obama Beer
President Obama has been a bit reluctant to say much about his accomplishments after six years in office. He has cherry-picked a few good ones, but seems always on the defensive, afraid to open the door too wide to GOP criticism. He’s talked a bit about foreign policy achievements (traditionally a Republican strength) and occasionally […]
The Economy Game
In the following parable, the names have been changed to protect certain individuals, and to avoid potential lawsuits. The national championship game between the Donkeys and the Elephants is tied at 100-100 with one second remaining. The Elephant’s all-star forward is at the free throw line with one shot left and the game in […]
Grading the Candidates
I’ve spent years explaining to college students why grading is necessary. I have thoughtfully reviewed all the reasons why I can’t just give everyone an “A” and make them love me. Grades are merely a tool, I have said; they help you to adjust your learning modalities and achieve your life goals more […]
Half of Us Are Below Average
By definition, half of us are below average (you know who you are). Statistics can be confusing, however (see, for example, “Damned Lies and Statistics: Untangling Numbers from the Media, Politicians, and Activists”). This may explain why the entire crop of Republican presidential hopefuls is below average. If it were up to me, I would change […]