Remember When….
A good memory serves us well. Our recall of directions, people’s names, answers for exam questions – all these and many more useful morsels – helps to position us for success in life. Most of our present choices and future plans are served in one way or another by our recollections of the past. Researchers […]

Sentient Stuff
Those of us who have worked in the data storage industry often wonder how our computers match up to the processor we carry around in our own heads. Comparisons are difficult to come by – we can estimate the average number of neurons in a human brain (~ 86 billion), but they are quite different […]

Venus, Mars and the Frontal Lobe
Men and women are different. Whether this is obvious or controversial depends on your point of view, but it’s just true. Most of us can accept this based on personal observations. One of my favorites is the Cocktail Party Test. When two women meet at a party, the first question will nearly always be “Do […]