Password Protected
When I was a graduate student at Caltech, my computer password was “password”. In those days, I had so many things to remember that something more complicated was simply out of the question. I rationalized that there were lots of very smart people running around who could easily hack my account if they wanted. […]
Jesus’s Wife
His biography is a bestseller, and often when a difficult decision arises, His name is in the conversation. Scholars pounce on every shred of news about His life, like the paparazzi on Brad Pitt. A few years back, the headlines involved a scrap of papyrus the size of a business card; on it, Jesus refers […]
Microsoft Toilet
The buzz level has been high of late. As the rumored announcement for the iPhone 6 draws closer, it is easy to overlook just how good Apple is when it comes to building a climate of envy and desire. Other technology giants have tried, notably Microsoft. Remember the Kin? I didn’t think so (it was […]

No More Horns!
If you’ve had the opportunity to drive an automobile in different parts of the country, or the world, you are well aware of the many variations of driving culture that exist. When I returned to my native California after 10 years of living and driving in Colorado, I was uncomfortable with how closely everyone […]
The Good Grade Pill
“One pill makes you larger, and one pill makes you small. And the ones that mother gives you, don’t do anything at all.” (opening lines of “White Rabbit” by Jefferson Airplane). Just as physics teaches us that nature seeks the lowest possible energy state, so are humans wired to search for the “Easy Button”, or […]

Drunk Spray
True entrepreneurs are always on the lookout for ubiquitous problems that can be solved for a profit. Case in point: Lots of folks like to get drunk now and then, but doing so can be an awkward process. Alcohol is cumbersome to cart around, fills you up with a lot of calories, and in some […]
Rush to Judgment
Dr. Benjamin Rush was a highly respected physician and medical administrator in the early 1800’s. He was enormously influential, and widely known as a man who got things done. He was a signer of the Declaration of Independence, and is one of the founders of American psychiatry. Dr. Rush did not […]
Air Travel Has Come a Long Way
We have become so accustomed to the post 9/11 world of air travel that most of us have forgotten what it used to be like. This video from 1933 paints a rich picture of the early days when traveling by air was the exclusive domain of the rich and adventurous. People dressed up before […]
Life Affirming Ideas
“How alive are you?” “Never stop. Never settle.” “Have a story.” “Honestly, I wanna see you be brave.” On a scale of 1-10, where 1 is “going through the motions” and 10 is a “vibrant, joyous, meaningful life”, where are you? If you’re not a 10, what’s holding you back? If you know […]
Female Robots
Just when you thought Siri was the hottest chick in the hood, along comes “Geminoid F”. Granted, the name isn’t much to brag about, but the technology is pretty amazing. Of course, she’s Japanese. GF’s creator, robotics genius Hiroshi Ishiguro, talks a lot about using robots to direct traffic, make sushi, or clean […]