Apple’s Grasp of the Obvious
The U.S. Patent system is founded on an elegantly simple process for encouraging innovation. You come up with a unique idea that is not obvious to someone who is familiar with the subject area. You describe it in sufficient detail that others can duplicate it. In return for doing so in writing, the government will […]

Death, Taxes and the Speed of Light
We take great comfort in knowing that some things never change. The sun always rises in the morning and sets in the evening (except at the North Pole in June). Water always flows downhill (unless you are a scientist at the University of Rochester). And every week the Internet will have a new party-photo of […]

Technology Requires Sacrifice
You have to give up something in order to get something else. The evidence of this is all around us. Building a retirement fund may require postponing a new car, losing weight could mean passing up that piece of cherry pie, and the many joys of becoming a parent involve giving up some freedom. Freedom […]

If Only I Knew Me Better
If a question comes up that no one can answer, the present-day solution is “Google It.” Back around 600 B.C., inquiring minds turned to the Seven Sages of Greece who were widely known for their “pithy and memorable dicta.” Sample dicta from the Seven include the memorable “Nothing in excess”, “Too many workers spoil the […]

The Coping Point
Once upon a time, as I waited my turn for some minor surgery (major for me, minor for everyone else), my doctor stopped by the gurney and asked how I was doing. “Fine”, I lied, and then added “More importantly, how are YOU doing?” His simple reply -“Balanced.” Hospitals have really good drugs, and the […]

No More Footbag, Sawtooth or Bushwalk*
If you’ve ever raised a child, you know there are certain major milestones that you will need to achieve. These are things like sleeping through the night, walking, talking and (my personal favorite) potty training. There are untold additional developmental steps that will provide bragging rights with your friends, and keep your pediatrician from asking […]

The Real Thanksgiving
In 1621, the immigrants fresh off the boat from Plymouth, England shared an autumn harvest with the Native Americans who had welcomed them and helped them get established in their new home. Almost 400 years later, we commemorate this occasion with a national celebration known as Thanksgiving. Everybody knows that. Well, did you know this […]
Eye of Newt, Wing of Bat…
3D printers are one of those inventions that took a while to grow out of the toy stage. I have several friends who have been making key fobs for some time now. Having one made is a bit like ordering a soufflé at a restaurant. As he takes your drink order, the server advises […]

Some Things Never Change
Over the course of my life, I have had the privilege of witnessing three miracles. When my daughter, son and granddaughter came in to this world, I was standing right there with wide eyes, wobbly knees, pounding heart and tears of joy running down my cheek. Each moment was special and unique for […]

Weed Entrepreneurs
During the last major election, there was a lot of talk about getting the economy kick-started. Words like “innovation”, “education” and “entrepreneur” were tossed about with reckless abandon. By a rather narrow margin of the popular vote, the American people felt that Barack Obama was the best equipped to turn things around. Another result of […]