The cover image of Target Funding by Kedma Ough – an arrow hitting a conventional target – makes sense but doesn’t do justice to the vast array of funding sources that she is about to reveal; perhaps a needle in a haystack would be more accurate. Although there are multitudes of funding opportunities out there, each business has its own unique requirements and qualifications. Target funding, akin to target marketing, is all about making the right choices concerning which funding sources to pursue for a particular business and the phase that it is in.
The premise is that funding need not be an obstacle in realizing one’s entrepreneurial dreams. Kedma’s preface is part curriculum vitae and part motivational statement as she effectively answers the standard interview question “Why did you write this book?” Not only does she inspire with her own success story, but she promises to show the reader how to obtain business funding when that task seems overwhelming. Her book delivers on that promise in a thorough and systematic way. No longer do social and economic disadvantage need to impede business success.
The book comprises seven parts, making it easy to navigate to those chapters which best align with an individual business owner’s needs. Part 1, The New American Dream, sets the stage and provides encouragement for would-be small business founders. (continue)