Each of us has a unique relationship with our things – especially stuff like smartphones, tablets, laptops, connected cars and all the sundry members of the Internet of Things family. We may see these as a means of making our lives simpler and more comfortable, or perhaps as tangible proof that we are affluent and technologically savvy. Bart McDonough, author of Cyber Smart, treats each as yet another threat to personal privacy, mental well-being and financial security.
The golden key on this book’s cover conjures thoughts of encryption, security, and perhaps some special knowledge that might be valuable. While the Internet can seem intimidating to many, the book’s subtitle “Five habits….” hints that there might be a manageable approach to avoiding catastrophe. Cyber Smart is not about becoming an expert in all things Internet, but rather a very readable attempt to raise awareness of the many serious threats that do exist, while offering understandable and actionable ways to make oneself a tougher target.
The two main sections of the book, Setting the Stage and Specific Recommendations, provide the framework for a deep dive into the variety and extent of the bad things that can happen in the Cyber World, followed by a step-by-step process to secure one’s digital life from bad actors. As part of Setting the Stage, the author introduces his “Brilliance in the Basics” approach, a forthright discipline for self-protection. A detailed Table of Contents will make it easy to go directly to a particular topic for those who may find themselves operating in crisis mode. The author’s extensive industry experience is aimed at protecting the individual, whereas much of the literature on this topic is for businesses and corporations. (continue)