Selfie Reflection
Selfie Sticks in various forms have been around for a long time. Since the first caveman saw his reflection in a pool of water, we have been fascinated by our own image. In the first Century, the Romans invented hand-held glass mirrors, and all of us have been looking back ever since. Mirrors are everywhere. […]

If a Tree Falls
“If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?” This is a classic thought experiment from Philosophy 101, intended to kick off a flurry of questions about the relationship between observation and reality. For science-minded folk who have no patience for such drivel, the […]

The Revenge of the Anti-Drunks
We humans tend to oversimplify things; ergo there are only two kinds of people. The nerds embrace technology, and the Luddites oppose it. We are certain we understand the distinction, but we are wrong. The appellation nerd is so entwined with our culture that it is nearly impossible to pin down the exact origin or […]

High Jumping in Kenya
Most of us in this country take for granted how richly blessed we are. We have clean water, indoor plumbing, and a very high standard of living compared to the rest of the world. When we don’t like something about our government, we are free to complain without fear of being thrown in jail. Our […]

Life Really Is Rocket Science
If you are trying to explain something simple to someone who just isn’t getting it, you have two options. You could say “Maybe I’m not explaining this in the best possible way. Let’s try another approach.” Otherwise, like most of us, you might say, “Pay attention. This isn’t rocket science.” The real truth is that […]
Jesus’s Wife
His biography is a bestseller, and often when a difficult decision arises, His name is in the conversation. Scholars pounce on every shred of news about His life, like the paparazzi on Brad Pitt. A few years back, the headlines involved a scrap of papyrus the size of a business card; on it, Jesus refers […]
The Spiraling Cost of College
Here in California where I currently reside, the cost of a college education is a hot topic. The University of California system, arguably one of the best in the country, is caught in the vise of the Golden State’s financial woes. On one side, there is the perception that the only way the […]
Life Affirming Ideas
“How alive are you?” “Never stop. Never settle.” “Have a story.” “Honestly, I wanna see you be brave.” On a scale of 1-10, where 1 is “going through the motions” and 10 is a “vibrant, joyous, meaningful life”, where are you? If you’re not a 10, what’s holding you back? If you know […]
The Economy Game
In the following parable, the names have been changed to protect certain individuals, and to avoid potential lawsuits. The national championship game between the Donkeys and the Elephants is tied at 100-100 with one second remaining. The Elephant’s all-star forward is at the free throw line with one shot left and the game in […]
Sales Are Us
One of my first “real” jobs was working in a gas station, back in the days when we pumped gas, washed windows and checked the oil. During my second summer, the boss sent me for a 1-week training session run by Chevron. I was excited to learn more about maintaining and repairing cars; […]