5 Reasons Why You Won’t Be Successful
Everyone wants to be successful. Examples of success are everywhere, and you spend a great deal of time and money to take it all in. Lists of “successful people” usually include actors, musicians, writers, CEO’s, world leaders; all of them pass through your success filter and earn your attention. Although you study success compulsively, there […]

Football Fun Fatal
Football is my favorite TV sport. I like the pace of the game, the athleticism of the players, and the strategy of offensive and defensive play calling. I am not alone. According to a January Harris poll, NFL football has been the most popular sport in the country over the past three decades. Football has […]

Where Bugs Come From
Apple’s splashy launch of iOS 8 was quickly followed by an update; the version level now stands at 8.0.2 and counting. There is a list of reasons, but the short version reads “bug fixes.” In the world of computer programming, the term “bug” is a familiar, albeit unwelcome one. Human brains have “lapses”, machines have […]
Innovative Immigrants
Depending on who you listen to, we are either making slow steady progress at creating jobs in this country, or we are stuck where we were four years ago. One thing is for certain; both parties love to talk about jobs, and both will recklessly sling around words like education, entrepreneurship and innovation. Neither says […]

Answers, Now and Later
You are a professional big game hunter in the remote grasslands of South Africa. You are widely known and respected for a reason; you are very, very good at what you do. On this particular day, a young trainee who has shown great promise accompanies you. It is a warm afternoon, and […]
Obama Beer
President Obama has been a bit reluctant to say much about his accomplishments after six years in office. He has cherry-picked a few good ones, but seems always on the defensive, afraid to open the door too wide to GOP criticism. He’s talked a bit about foreign policy achievements (traditionally a Republican strength) and occasionally […]
Generational Drugs
There are a number of drugs that are taken on a large scale by people who are fundamentally fine. Alcohol and marijuana come to mind. There is a rich history of others. Valium, which was introduced in 1963, had become the best-selling prescription drug in America by 1979. Fifty years ago, Big Pharma saw a […]
Marijuana Cures Cancer
A couple of San Francisco scientists announced what may prove to be a breakthrough in cancer research. It turns out that marijuana, which molecular biologists refer to as “cannabis” to improve their odds of getting funded, contains a promising substance called Cannabidiol. CBD, for short, is non-toxic, non-psychoactive, and capable of turning off the genetic […]
Smarter Than You
It is often said that if you are the smartest person in the room, you should find another room. But what if the room is smarter than all of you? <continue reading>
Skipping College
Two of the most famous college dropouts of our time are Steve Jobs and Bill Gates. Steve felt he was wasting his parents’ money, and was convinced he could do better selling circuit boards out of their garage. Bill got booted from the Harvard dorm for running an illegal software business, and decided to quit […]