The Time-Delay Life
I love watching football. It is by far my favorite game on TV. The display of athleticism and skill, the sophistication of the plays, and the strategic battle between opposing coaches all captivate me. Thanks to modern technology, my wristwatch will even prompt me with scoring updates from my favorite teams when I am unable […]

Football Fun Fatal
Football is my favorite TV sport. I like the pace of the game, the athleticism of the players, and the strategy of offensive and defensive play calling. I am not alone. According to a January Harris poll, NFL football has been the most popular sport in the country over the past three decades. Football has […]

Split Brains
Your brain is split in two. You can thank Roger Sperry for pointing that out. Roger is the Caltech Professor who received the 1981 Nobel Prize for his observation that there is “functional separation in the cerebral hemispheres.” The rest of us know this as the Left Brain / Right Brain theory; we love […]
The Football Debates
The college football season is now officially underway. Mainstream TV coverage begins early on Saturdays, and the first game is generally preceded by hours of pre-game programming to fuel the hype. Typically, a panel of a half-dozen sports journalists, former coaches and players will debate the pros and cons of every player, churn […]