God’s Analytics
For anyone who’s ever written for the web, Analytics are everything. If you are an amateur, Analytics feed your ego and if you are a pro, Analytics feed your paycheck (and your ego). One of the most reliable ways to take the pulse of our culture and measure what we are collectively thinking about is […]

Merry Xmas
I sometimes wonder why you never see “Happy Xgiving” in November. The words “Thanks” and “Christ” have the same number of letters, so it probably doesn’t have anything to do with saving space or just being lazy. It is quite possible that the “Xgiving” advocates saw how much trouble “Xmas” caused, and decided to opt […]

The Tebow Principle
John Elway said Tim’s the kind of guy he’d like his daughter to marry. Panthers head coach Ron Rivera said he’s a play maker, and all he’s ever done is win. Tom Brady said Tim’s a very talented football player and he enjoyed being around him. Robert Kraft, Patriots owner, said he loved him and […]

Answers, Now and Later
You are a professional big game hunter in the remote grasslands of South Africa. You are widely known and respected for a reason; you are very, very good at what you do. On this particular day, a young trainee who has shown great promise accompanies you. It is a warm afternoon, and […]
Jesus’s Wife
His biography is a bestseller, and often when a difficult decision arises, His name is in the conversation. Scholars pounce on every shred of news about His life, like the paparazzi on Brad Pitt. A few years back, the headlines involved a scrap of papyrus the size of a business card; on it, Jesus refers […]
The Daniel Diet
When airlines are forced to increase the passenger weight allowance on their planes, you suspect America might be developing an obesity problem. When pastors find it difficult to baptize people because of their collective girth, it pretty much seals the deal. When one of those pastors happens to be Rick Warren, himself a […]
Remember “Tebow Time”?
There was a six week period where the excitement over Tim Tebow grew like a nuclear reaction, with “buzzer beater” wins leading to more and more attention. The Denver Broncos backed into the NFL playoffs, too embarrassed to wear the T-shirts and caps that celebrated their AFC West championship. Everyone picked the Pittsburgh […]
Good Battles Evil
In the 2009 BCS Championship Game, Tim Tebow wrote “John 3:16” on his eye-black. An estimated 94 million people Googled it, and found themselves confronted with the central message of the Christian faith. The NFL doesn’t allow players to wear advertising, but in his last playoff game against the Steelers, Tebow passed for […]