America is fat. We are ready and able to hibernate. We have gorged on sugars and carbs, storing up enough energy in our girth to survive a very long winter. If it comes down to survival of the fattest, we are the odds on favorites. There is more at stake here than just bearing the brunt of a global joke. Our healthcare crisis (think heart disease, type 2 diabetes…) is driven by our obesity. The FAA, concerned about regional jet aircraft crashes, is re-evaluating its standard passenger weight (which not long ago was raised from 170 to 180 pounds). Since the average American male now tips the scales at 191 lbs, this seems like a prudent move. Anyone with a room temperature IQ can tell you that the solution is healthy eating habits and exercise, but that is just way too difficult to actually implement. Instead we have surgery (lap bands, gastric bypass), drugs (Fen-Phen, Alli, Contrave) and now, courtesy of those clever, slender Japanese researchers, augmented reality glasses that magnify our food, causing us to eat less. Why struggle with reality when a good fantasy will do.
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